Jeremy Auman
A ctor, Director, Writer
Original Plays Producer:
Card Table Theatre, Lawrence Ks
Video Clips: Stage Acting
These clips and videos are mostly cut from aging VHS tapes and converted to digital then uploaded, so the quality isn't always the best. However these are representative of the many varied roles I have played over the last 25 years. including scenes from my first University Play and my initial performance with English Alternative Theatre, as well as some subsequent works from Card Table Theatre and EMU theatre.
Romero and Juliet
Andy Stowers used much of Shakespeares original text in this tale of enduring love-" Romero" and Juliet picks up after the events of the tragedy, both Capulet and Montague arise from their graves as flesh eating Zombies.Romeo has just dispatched Tybalt and Mercrucio for a second time, (there bodies still lie strewn on stage) In tthis clip Paris seeks vengence After Juliet's rejection and his death. EMU Theatre October-2012
The Diviners
Fourteen year old "Idiot boy" Buddy Layman is deathly afraid of water after nearly drowning with his mother as a child. Act Two Scene One of Jim Leonard Jr's play, shows a tender moment between Buddy and stranger-in-town ex preacher CC Showers (VHS '89) Douglas Hill as CC Jeremy Auman as Buddy. Directed by Samantha K. Wyer *(Bello)
"I'm A Writer" The Devils Game
From The Devils Game by Bo Price. Joey is a film nerd trapped in a mafioso gang, he explains his dreams of writing screenplays in this clip. Directed by Paul Hough with Phil Schroeder and (in the chair-bag over his head) John Garretson. Snappy, (if not familiar) dialogue spiced this ACTF Regional Winner published in Best of The Regions 1995
The Glass Menagerie
Directed by Paul Stephen Lim. EAT reimagined this classic Tennessee Williams "Memory" Play. Lim's production, morphs the whole set; living room and all onto a wharf in Amsterdam; as well as Splitting Tom Wingfield into seperate roles. "Old Tom," the 50-ish narrator played by an age appropriate actor, no longer closeted; remembering his distant past, and "Young Tom" in the "memory"; beleagured, tormented and angsty; again- played by an age apppropriate actor. At a gay bar, in Amsterdam, Merchant Marine "Old" Tom, recalls the night, years before in St. Louis when his Mother (Amanda) bullied him into bringing home a gentleman caller for Laura. James O'Conner; A boy she had a crush on in high school; In this occasion Jim is portrayed as an honest shell of a man, a faded hero whose glory days were finished upon graduation. Six years after High School he is "washed up" at a station not much better than Tom. Jacqueline Grunau as Laura also departs from the familiar mousy- fragile -as- glass Laura, giving depth and complexity to the shy: "terribly shy" lonely girl with an "inferiority" complex.
The Beadsman
My first EAT experience. Unable to audition at the original call, I performed a monologue for Director Lance Gharavi in the hallway of Murphy Hall- home Of the University Theatre at Kansas. Pasty Lyman is an eccentric male prostitute, who services his "johns" with sex, or by writing down the stories they are compellled to tell him. A sleazy TV Producer also calls on The Beadsman, he collects these stories and turns them into 'must see television.' In this clip Mark, is returning to Pasty to meet Joe, another tortured soul longing for human connection. Pasty's atempts at match making inspire Mark to tell his own dark tale, resulting with Mark's subsequent rejection from and-rejecting of Joe. The Beadsman by Brian Boies, was the first of seven Original EAT plays selected for KCACTF Region V, that, I either acted in or directed. It marked the begining of a fourteen year collaboration between myself and Engllish Alternative Theatre
Catching Freud
A Will Averill script, Catching Freud is the middle play, in a three part collection of short plays about relationships. Sigmund Frued plays a game of "catch" with "Wilhelm" the son he never had.. Also directed by Will Averill. With Nate Cadman as Wilhelm. Full of Freudian slips, verbiage and double entendre, this short had just a few rehearsals and was one of the last plays Card Table Produced in the Carnegie building in Lawrence Ks, which served as the Lawrence Arts Center for decades before a new facility was opened in 2002